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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Rosanne Derrett

Must be doing something right as this is my third Carousel pen

e g sumpter

Easy to use and writes smoothly

Miss Claire Louise Wilson
Carousel Fountain Pen

Beautifully balanced writing instrument.

Yvett Szilagyi
Broke after 4 days and minimal use.

I used this pen for 4 days, for a short period of time, making sure i was careful with it. The body of the pen has had a crack on it which I had not previously noticed and when I went to pull off the lid, the tip got stuck in the lid and the body of the pen came off. I did not force the lid so I was super disappointed with the quality of the materials. I was so excited to get into fountain pens again but seeing that the tip of my pen is held captive by the lid, i can no longer use this item. I am highly unlikely to get another plastic pen from FWP.

Tracy McAteer
lovely colour, lightweight and nice flowing nib

I love the colour of this pen and it writes nicely (fine nib). I was surprised at how light it was but it is plastic so I should have guessed. It sits nicely in my hand and so far I have had no issues with leaks etc.

Lisa Harte
Great beginner pen

This is really good for beginners who aren’t sure what type of pen they want. It’s reasonably priced and comes with the reusable ink cartridge (ink charger). It’s light weight and portable. The lid clips on instead of twist to secure, so it’s perfect for the every day writing and the more thought out.

I love the colour and the ink nib has a cute carousel engraving which is a beautiful design touch.